Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why poems are important?

Poem is a great way to say our ideas to others.its really a wonderful feeling to me reading
and writing poetry

what poetry brings to our life?

poetry is prime litriture thing.accordin to poem means emotion found thoughts and tho
ght found it words" it s really true so what poetry brings to our life?it bring
that immence joy which can get through writing or reading poerty but its really hrd feeling to describe
but it is just like take us to another let us learn the life poetry tells us everything about world from different angels
thats the beauty of it

Thursday, March 24, 2011

my first poem

This is the first poem i have written

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My new poems

Candle of hope
This little candle still light,
this dark room
It's flame remains
Even though strong winds blow
it may vanish 
or it may extingush
But hopes of life will be there
as long as it gives the light

Friday, March 18, 2011

My newest poem

No need to worry
No need to cry
give a chance to time
when the time arrives
you will fly in high sky.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why poems are important?

Poem is a great way to say our ideas to others.its really a wonderful feeling to me reading
and writing poetry

what poetry brings to our life?

poetry is prime litriture thing.accordin to poem means emotion found thoughts and tho
ght found it words" it s really true so what poetry brings to our life?it bring
that immence joy which can get through writing or reading poerty but its really hrd feeling to describe
but it is just like take us to another let us learn the life poetry tells us everything about world from different angels
thats the beauty of it

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My new poems

Candle of hope
This little candle still light,
this dark room
It's flame remains
Even though strong winds blow
it may vanish 
or it may extingush
But hopes of life will be there
as long as it gives the light

Friday, March 18, 2011

My newest poem

No need to worry
No need to cry
give a chance to time
when the time arrives
you will fly in high sky.